[Salon] DeSantis should talk about Jeffrey Epstein - The Spectator World

How ludicrous, or duplicitous , the Conservative rag, The Spectator, is, can be seen in this paragraph:

"There’s an opportunity here for DeSantis to take a stand that would potentially send ripples through the Twitter audience, even if it isn’t something that will be front of mind for many voters: commit that as president, he would release any and all information about Epstein — not just the client list, but what the government knows about his connections and relationships with the powerful. Taking such a stand would do more than just ruffle feathers — it would demonstrate how much DeSantis is an outsider committed to draining the swamp, and not someone beholden to the jet-set elites. Americans deserve to know the truth.”

The same old s*** Conservatives claimed for Trump: that he was “draining the swamp.” Which in “their" language,  means “filling the swamp with trillions of dollars,” with even more wealth expropriated from us “lower classes,” for the sole benefit of the Trumpian Oligarchs, like Thiel, Erik Prince, and the MIC they profit so much from. Drain the Swamp, hell! Before these war fanatics are done, the MIC and its Oligarchs will have every penny of “wealth” in this country, to the detriment of us “normal people!” 

And the “Conservatives” who peddle this s*** are entirely to blame with their outright lies in enabling this political fraud!

Given Epstein was indisputably part of Israeli Intelligence, as Board member of Carbyne Corporation, “sitting next” to "National Conservative” and DeSantis ally/backer Peter Thiel, how insane is it to believe the extreme Likudnik/National Conservative DeSantis would do anything to bring "discredit” on Israeli, or US, Intelligence operations? No evidence that he would here:


"Peter Thiel, one of the founders of Paypal, Facebook and Palantir, is also a Carbyne investor. 

"Thiel is an avid Trump supporter, and is heavily invested in military and intelligence companies. Thiel’s Palantir is described as making use of “war on terror tools to track American citizens”.

"Trae Stephens, another co-founder of Palantir, is on Carbyne’s advisory board. Stephens also served as the head of Trump’s Department of Defense transition team. 

"Even though the company allegedly provides emergency response services, none of the directors or advisory board members have a background in emergency response systems. Instead, all have deep ties to Israel’s intelligence services or the United States’ military-industrial complex."


"Mr. Thiel was also the chairman of Palantir, the C.I.A.-backed data analytics company, which at the time was seeking outside investments.

"Two years later, Mr. Thiel was the most prominent Silicon Valley investor to back the successful presidential campaign of Donald J. Trump.” 

What Conservatives and the New Right of The American Conservative magazine and (sometimes) QI call “draining the swamp!”  🤣

"More than that, the episode illustrated how central a player Thiel is in the campaigns of Masters and Ohio Republican J.D. Vance, another Thiel ally running for Senate.” As 

So who will Peter Thiel support in 2024 for POTUS? 

With DeSantis now in the campaign, who to support between Trump and DeSantis is not an easy decision for Conservatives to make, with accusations flying that if one “criticizes DeSantis,” one helps Trump, and vice versa. But in the end, the “choice” has already been made for Conservatives: one or the other. Like Miriam Adelson’s "Israel Hayom” which Conservatives defer to so much for such decisions, seeing the “merits” of each: https://www.israelhayom.com/2023/05/25/trump-and-desantis-rivalry-intensifies-as-florida-governor-formally-enters-2024-presidential-race/

And of course the Murdoch owned NeoCon right-wing rag, the NY Post, is pushing DeSantis, which comes as no surprise:
And reports on Thiel’s support of DeSantis, again no surprise from a fellow Militarist: 

And of course, as I’ve been sharing for some time now, there’s no doubt who the Straussians at Hillsdale College support for 2024, even though they were such zealous Trumpites previously, with this platform made available for DeSantis’s “PsyWar” against the US population:

But this tells it all for why "Traditional Conservatives” love the "complete package of Conservatism” to be found in DeSantis. Not only is he and his fellow “NaziCon” (taking off from Thiel’s political model Carl Schmitt) Peter Thiel the best friends the U.S. Military/Surveillance Industrial Oligarchical Complex ever had, but they’re the best friends the Israeli Military/Surveillance Industrial Oligarchical Complex ever had too. Even more than Donald Trump was, and that’s saying a lot!

It has been said that since everyone here knows what I think of “Conservatives,” and their fascist allies, of Italy and Israel, there’s no need to express that anymore. Once is enough, it has been said. However, more information is always developing, which I believe merits bringing attention to it, especially due to the “Disinformation Operation” of the “New Right’s” revisionist history by reinventing past Conservatives, like "Conservative peacenik,” (🤣) Air Force General Barry Goldwater, and his MIC ideology producing allies, Buckley, Burnham, and that other guy. And present, like extreme militarists of the “New Right,” Josh Hawley, Matt Gaetz, Ron DeSantis, Trump, Peter Thiel, to name just a few. Censoring myself as some here wish means leaving the “informational playing field” for the 2024 campaign largely to the sole discretion of those making the false claim of “right-wing peaceniks.” Given they’re also the folks who, like their right-wing “fellow travelers” in Israel who are attacking their courts, are assailing our Constitution, as did their Conservative Movement forebears. Making the cost of giving them a "free ride” here even more costly with the loss of Constitutional “rights” which they seek, and have since the 1950s by a couple “Rightists” in particular. 

Having taken that oath to defend the Constitution, I have no choice to oppose DeSantis and Trump, as overturning the Constitution is built into their ideology, as I’ve provided evidence of in the past. 

That’s not said in defense of the right-wing “Conservative” Democrats in power like Biden and the Clintonites, equally as corrupt as any Republican, and almost as militaristic (with the amount of money each demands for “defense” being one noticeable distinction explaining the "almost” qualifier.) 

With the two parties together having put this country indisputably in the FUBAR category. Like Germany as of about 1928 onward. With avoiding nuclear war may be the best outcome we can hope for, as our Militarists/Conservatives of both parties almost seem to have conspired together in sharing that same McCarthyite/Goldwaterite suicidal ideology formulated in about 1950. 

DeSantis should talk about Jeffrey Epstein

trump jeffrey epstein

Ron DeSantis’s choice to enter the presidential stakes with a Twitter Spaces conversation is unusual. Odder still is the news that he will do so in an interview conducted by Elon Musk, and a discussion moderated by David Sacks. There are so many questions here: the most obvious being, “why did you choose to roll out with a pair of wealthy tech investors from the PayPal Mafia, known as much for their accomplishments as for their eccentricities?” But here is also the question about the questions: what will DeSantis be asked?

One question that might come up given the Very Online nature of this interview concerns one figure whose connections to the billionaire and political class have proven so embarrassing for those in power: Jeffrey Epstein. The late sex offender and shadowy finance figure has been back in the headlines of late thanks to reporting from the Wall Street Journal, which unveiled new information obtained from previously unreported calendars and communications. These include a potential blackmail of Bill Gates over his relationship with a young Russian bridge player — an indication of the degree to which so much about Epstein’s activities remains a mystery.

In response to the Journal‘s reporting, presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy has already announced that if elected, he would release “the full Epstein client list,” writing on Twitter: “The administrative-police state should stop protecting its chief sponsors while weaponizing itself against its opponents. The first step to fix corruption is to see it.”

DeSantis has interacted with this story before, beginning in 2019 when he announced a state attorney investigation into Epstein’s Florida plea deal over allegations that he had gotten a slap on the wrist from then-prosecutor Alex Acosta, who later served as Donald Trump’s labor secretary before being forced to resign. The Florida investigation, along with others, ultimately found no criminal wrongdoing, leaving many of Epstein’s victims unsatisfied and prompting new conspiracy theories about why Epstein had been treated so leniently.

There’s an opportunity here for DeSantis to take a stand that would potentially send ripples through the Twitter audience, even if it isn’t something that will be front of mind for many voters: commit that as president, he would release any and all information about Epstein — not just the client list, but what the government knows about his connections and relationships with the powerful. Taking such a stand would do more than just ruffle feathers — it would demonstrate how much DeSantis is an outsider committed to draining the swamp, and not someone beholden to the jet-set elites. Americans deserve to know the truth.


Ben Domenech

Ben Domenech is an editor-at-large of The Spectator World. He is also a Fox News contributor and writes the Transom newsletter on Substack.

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